English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haƙiƙa" kalma ce da ke nufin wani abu da ake yi ko kimantawa ta hanyar da ta dace, mai aiki, ko kuma bisa ga fahimtar gaskiya ko yanayi. Yawancin lokaci yana nuna hanya ta hankali ko ma'ana, la'akari da haƙiƙanin yuwuwa ko iyakancewar yanayi, maimakon dogaro da kyakkyawan zato ko wuce gona da iri. Hakanan yana iya nuna ɗabi'a ko hangen nesa wanda ya ginu a zahiri kuma ba mai yawan zato ko hasashe ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Realistically, I knew the bank would just see more risk, and I knew that banks hate risk.
  2. While realistically, the score would not be at either of those extremes, anything could still happen.
  3. Jeanne wanted to yell at her not to harm anyone, but she realized that, realistically, bloodshed may be unavoidable if they wanted to escape from the church.
  4. Realistically, this allowed me to escape outside as soon as possible, but it had the effect of setting off a flurry of butterflies inside my stomach.
  5. I cannot realistically hope that the infection has been isolated to the lab, but still I have to take precautions.