English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rattled" ita ce zama ko zama mai firgita, bacin rai, ko damuwa, sau da yawa sakamakon girgiza ko abin da ba a zata ba. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin gajeriyar sauti na gajeriyar ƙwanƙwasawa, ko girgiza ko haifar da girgiza da ƙarfi.


  1. perturbed
  2. hot and bothered
  3. flustered

Sentence Examples

  1. The chains hanging from the belt loops of his torn black jeans rattled as he jumped straight up.
  2. Keys rattled against the door leading to the rest of the building.
  3. Every officer had been rattled by the horrendous events that had unfolded.
  4. The thunder and shouting rattled the building, the scaffolding shook.
  5. Harry stopped his stroll as chorused shouts rattled his ears.
  6. He rattled off his qualifications and experience, and then the High Council began interviewing him.
  7. From time to time they sped by some phantom-like tree, whose white skeleton twisted and rattled in the wind.
  8. The thumps on the motel room door rattled the chain lock.
  9. Harry supposed Charlie was rattled from nearly having a heart attack.
  10. He dropped it onto the table between them, when it landed it made an unmistakable chink as the coins inside rattled.