English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "na hankali" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Anan akwai ma'anoni gama gari guda biyu: a. Bisa ko daidai da hankali ko tunani: A wannan ma'ana, "ma'ana" yana nufin wani abu mai ma'ana, ma'ana, ko ma'ana. Yana nuna amfani da tunani mai ma'ana da ingantaccen hukunci don cimma matsaya ko yanke shawara. Misali, "Ta yanke shawara ta hankali bisa ga shaidar da ake da ita." b. Samun ikon yin tunani ko tunani a hankali: Wannan ma'anar tana bayyana mutum ko kasancewarsa wanda zai iya tunani, tantancewa, da kuma cire ma'ana. Yana nuna ƙarfin tunani mai mahimmanci da fahimtar hankali. Misali, "An dauki mutane a matsayin masu hankali." Suna: Lambobin ma'ana: A cikin ilimin lissafi, lamba ta hankali lamba ce da za a iya bayyana ta a matsayin juzu'i, inda duka mai ƙididdigewa da maƙasudin su ne lamba. Lambobin ma'ana sun haɗa da lambobi da juzu'i. Misali, 3, -2, 1/2, da -5/7 duk lambobi ne na ma'ana. takamaiman mahallin, kamar a cikin falsafar ko ilimin halin dan Adam. Ma'anar da aka bayar a nan an fi ci karo da su a cikin amfanin yau da kullum.

Sentence Examples

  1. I moved to obey, even though it was hard to form a rational thought.
  2. With every image that plagued her imagination, her sanity slipped further from rational.
  3. The lanterns having been lit, we all fell to work with a zeal worthy a more rational cause and, as the glare fell upon our persons and implements, I could not help thinking how picturesque a group we composed, and how strange and suspicious our labors must have appeared to any interloper who, by chance, might have stumbled upon our whereabouts.
  4. It excited fresh pity in those who had heard him to see a man of apparently sound sense, and with rational views on every subject he discussed, so hopelessly wanting in all, when his wretched unlucky chivalry was in question.
  5. Our minds will push to fill this space with logic, firing up the reasoning part of the brain in an effort to convince us with rational thinking to abandon the quest.
  6. But Phileas Fogg, who was not travelling, but only describing a circumference, took no pains to inquire into these subjects he was a solid body, traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe, according to the laws of rational mechanics.
  7. At least I snapped out of my reverie, and as rational thought rebounded, I thought of how upset Ally would be with me.
  8. Things were escalating too rapidly for any kind of rational, coordinated response to have time to work.
  9. At other times, so they tell me when they find me in a rational mood, I sally out upon the road, and though they would gladly give it me, I snatch food by force from the shepherds bringing it from the village to their huts.
  10. Then again, hearing other people, rational people, frightened as they were, gave him a small level of comfort.