English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "bakan gizo" wani yanayi ne na yanayi wanda ke faruwa ta hanyar tunani, refraction, da tarwatsa haske a cikin ɗigon ruwa, yana haifar da nau'in launuka masu yawa a sararin sama. Ana ganin sau da yawa a matsayin baka mai siffar baka tare da ja a gefen waje da kuma violet a gefen ciki. A alamance, ana kuma danganta shi da bege da alkawari.

Sentence Examples

  1. The kindly gypsy brought me to one of the several rainbow strobing campfires and bade me sit.
  2. The Mystic dwells in the mystery, is enveloped with it it colors all his thoughts it affects his optic nerve especially, and the commonest things get a rainbow edging from it.
  3. Another person culled from my brain is Cassiopeia aka Merrill Seligman, the owner of Rainbow Waters.
  4. Kids ate ice creams with rainbow sprinkles as they waited for their gossiping parents.
  5. We realize we are standing on the arc of the rainbow we have sought and our quest for meaning changes.
  6. For a moment, he was captivated by the brilliant rainbow of color.
  7. When she swept her eyes around the rafters like that, taking in the refracted light, she felt almost as if she were sitting in a rainbow, high up in the clouds, far from the city, far from House Staerleigh, far from anything that could hurt her.
  8. Less than a quarter mile upstream, reflecting a rainbow in the spraying mist, was our waterfall.
  9. A stain glass window above him smashed, a rainbow of glass shards fell onto him.
  10. It was minty chocolate chip and strawberry with a chocolate flake and rainbow sprinkles.