English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "radially" ita ce:lalaci: Ta hanya mai zurfi ko asali; gaba daya ko gaba daya. Ta hanyar da ta danganci tushe ko asalin wani abu; basicly. Misali: Ta canza salon rayuwarta sosai ta hanyar barin abinci mara kyau da kuma motsa jiki akai-akai.Matsalolin. yana bukatar a magance shi sosai, ba kawai tare da gyara na wucin gadi ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. It also radically altered my first impression of him, as well as his overall attractiveness.
  2. This led to the Long Winter, worldwide crop failures, and radically different weather patterns, which persisted for many years, even until now.
  3. That was the only point he radically disagreed on with his friend Matina, who, out of principle and female solidarity, was against even the smallest of white lies.
  4. They had just had their view of the world radically shifted, and now it was being wrenched even further.
  5. Healthcare took a big hit, as the need for it radically declined post-Ascension.
  6. Titan, on the other hand, had an atmosphere, which meant the breathing equipment would be radically different.