English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "quill" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga ma’anoni guda biyu da aka fi amfani da su: . A da, ana yawan amfani da quill don rubutawa kafin ƙirƙirar alƙalami masu ƙarfe. fata na wasu tsuntsaye, irin su naman alade ko bushiya. Waɗannan ƙulle-ƙulle suna zama wani nau'i na kariya ga dabbobi, saboda ana iya kiwon su a yi amfani da su don hana mafarauta. ko kuma a alamance a wurare daban-daban, kamar magana ga marubuci ko salon rubutun mutum.

Sentence Examples

  1. With this understanding, Matthaios dipped his quill in ink and got right to it.
  2. A table with a guest book and a long quill pen waited near the entrance.
  3. She swept the quill lightly over his skin so as not to scratch him with the pointed tip, and the sensation was ticklish.
  4. Holding her breath, Olivia slowly set her quill in its case, closed the book, and lifted the rifle.
  5. Barefoot children with baskets of quill pens and reeds of cheap ink are pestering the wigged and waistcoated men entering parliament.
  6. At first she wrote as quickly as the quill allowed, trying to get down every clever word Mourning had said, every sound she had heard, every smell and breeze.
  7. Picking up a quill, she twirled it between her fingers.
  8. She checked the stopper on her pot of ink, wrapped it tightly in a rag, and slipped it and the long narrow case that held her quill into the pocket of her apron.
  9. Walking hurriedly down the to the Great Hall, he called for paper, ink and quill, which were promptly brought to him by one of the servants.
  10. She was lost in thought, the end of her quill tickling her nose, when she glanced up and saw them.