English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai sauri" ita ce kwatancen nau'in sifa "mai sauri," wanda ke nufin motsi ko iya motsawa da sauri ko sauri, ko faruwa ko aikata tare da gaggawa ko gaggawa. Don haka, "mai sauri" yana nufin mafi sauri ko gaggawa idan aka kwatanta da wani abu dabam.


  1. faster

Sentence Examples

  1. Quicker than a fox, he was on her, letting her run and standing a stride behind her as he watched her stumble.
  2. They grew progressively harder and quicker, each one preceded by a grunt of frustration from their deliverer.
  3. If I joined the pack, it would give me information a lot quicker than trying to get it on my own.
  4. Quicker than she could follow they danced and leapt.
  5. Derek came in again, but Troy managed to react quicker than the man had expected and blocked the blow.
  6. When they came in, he thought for a moment that Belah had things under control, but everything went to shit within a few seconds, and Iszak cursed himself for not reacting quicker.
  7. Luckily the journey was over, quicker than she expected.
  8. My transformation was far quicker than other wolves, a result of having my wolf emerge at an early age.
  9. Quicker and quicker danced the dust the moonbeams seemed to quiver as they went by me into the mass of gloom beyond.