English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tambaya" ita ce:Bayyana ko nuna shakka ko rashin tabbas; skeptical: "a questioning hali" Dangataka da ko siffata ta hanyar yin tambayoyi: "wani dabarar tambayar" Bayyana ko nuna buƙatun neman bayanai: "kallon tambaya"Gaba ɗaya, “tambaya” tana nufin yin tambayoyi ko bayyana shakku ko rashin tabbas game da wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wata dabarar da ake amfani da ita a fagage daban-daban, kamar ilimi ko nasiha, don ƙarfafa tunani mai zurfi da tunani ta hanyar yin tambayoyin bincike.


  1. inquiring

Sentence Examples

  1. And that artist Celestino Diaz is wanted for questioning by the police.
  2. Fifteen minutes of intense questioning had been enough for Burl to break the man.
  3. His ignorance as to how cooperation between the House and Enforcement worked would lead to his questioning everything, and his not knowing what to expect should make it easier for him to spot any untoward conduct between Burl and the members.
  4. Kandi raised the coffee carafe with a questioning look and Anne nodded yes to the hot brew.
  5. If anyone should be questioning trust, then it should be you.
  6. I picture Lolita making that call while the police hover waiting to take her in for questioning.
  7. But there was no questioning his loyalty or the sense of protectiveness he felt for Kayla.
  8. Their eyes focused on Murdock then, questioning expressions coming from all of them.
  9. Though he badly wanted to divorce himself from his questioning companions, it was not possible.
  10. She wanted to know more, but if she started questioning him directly he might get suspicious.