English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "quart" shine raka'a na ruwa ko busassun ma'auni daidai da kwata na galan ko pint biyu (kimanin lita 0.95). Haka nan ana amfani da ita wajen yin nuni ga kwandon da ke dauke da ruwa kwata daya, kamar kwata kwata na madara ko kwata na ice cream.

Sentence Examples

  1. But my little nurse ran to my relief, and took me out, after I had swallowed above a quart of cream.
  2. My thoughts hovered over all varieties of mortal edible, and finally settled on a porterhouse steak and a quart of bitter with a welsh rabbit to follow.
  3. This being accomplished, he felt anxious to make trial himself, on the spot, of the virtue of this precious balsam, as he considered it, and so he drank near a quart of what could not be put into the flask and remained in the pigskin in which it had been boiled but scarcely had he done drinking when he began to vomit in such a way that nothing was left in his stomach, and with the pangs and spasms of vomiting he broke into a profuse sweat, on account of which he bade them cover him up and leave him alone.
  4. She was tore up and she wolfed down four or five pounds of food like it was nothing, and a quart of orange juice, and I bet she needed more.