English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “inganci” tana da ma’anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin, amma gaba ɗaya, tana nufin sifa ko sifa da ke bambanta abu, mutum, ko abu. Ga wasu ma’anoni gama gari na kalmar “quality”:Siffa: Ingaci na iya nufin wani sifa ko sifa ta wani abu. Misali, kuna iya magana game da ingancin samfur, wanda zai iya nufin matakin kyawunsa, dorewa, ko amincinsa. na daukaka ko fifiko. Yana bayyana wani abu mai kima mai girma, mafi girma, ko ingantaccen tsari. Misali, za ka iya koma ga wani kayan daki mai inganci ko ilimi mai inganci. Yana nufin girma ko matakin inganci ko kima. Misali, kana iya kwatanta ingancin aikin wani a matsayin “talauci,” “matsakaici,” ko “na ban mamaki.” Hali ko yanayi: Ingaci na iya kwatanta hali ko yanayi. na mutum ko abu. Yana wakiltar ainihin kaddarorin ko fasaloli waɗanda ke ayyana shi. Misali, za ka iya koma ga mutuncin wani a matsayin inganci ko ka siffanta ɗanɗanon abinci na musamman da cewa yana da ƙayyadaddun inganci. galibi ana amfani da shi don isar da ma'anar alheri ko mustahabbi. Yana iya komawa zuwa ga ƙima ko sha'awar samfur dangane da wasu samfuran makamantansu. mahallin da ake amfani da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The nameless man worked almost tirelessly, oftentimes doing jobs well through the night while the other slaves slept, but there was an odd, rather mechanical quality to his actions.
  2. His eyes have a laser-like quality as he scans my face.
  3. Daylight highlighted the richness of the colors and the quality of the workmanship, creating a pleasant effect, but when the light was low the room had always struck Cianne as oppressive.
  4. A sweet note, saying that a favor from a stranger had a special quality to it, for which she was grateful.
  5. A market displaying quality wares occupies a portion of the wide promenade.
  6. GPI attempts to measure the quality of life and not just economics.
  7. Besides, anyone who had ever been inside the military healthcare system could tell you about the quality of their care.
  8. His clothing was nothing more than a sleeveless forest green vest and baggy satin pants, yet despite how basic they were, it was clear to see they were of top quality.
  9. The top section described the quality, quantities available, expected arrival dates, and below it was a list with a proposed order.
  10. Minute inspection was required of the observer to see the finery of the cloth, the expense of tailoring, the high quality of the few jewels and the arrogance of manner only then would he concede that this was a man of some significance.