English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “famfo” na iya komawa zuwa:Na'urar injina da ake amfani da ita don motsa ruwa ko iskar gas, yawanci tana kunshe da jerin ɗakunan da ke faɗaɗa da kwangila don ƙirƙirar kwarara. Takalmi mai ɗan gajeren gaba, yawanci ana sawa don wasanni ko motsa jiki. A matsayin fi’ili, “famfo” na iya nufin:Don matsar da ruwa ko iskar gas ta amfani da famfo.Don kumbura ko cika wani abu, irin wannan a matsayin taya ko balloon, mai iska ko gas. Don maimaita turawa ko danna wani abu don cirewa ko fitar da ruwa ko iskar gas, kamar zubar da ruwa daga rijiya ko hura iska a cikin taya keke. Don ƙara yawa, ƙarfi, ko saurin wani abu, kamar ƙara ƙarar kiɗan ko bugun tsokar mutum ta hanyar motsa jiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Like the one, for example, about the heart being nothing but a pump circulating blood after all.
  2. The men shoved a flexible tube into the opening of the door and fitted the other end to an air pump standing just outside one of the basement windows as soon as they switched on the electric motor, the air down in the basement was filled with a powerful odour of beef jerky or stale salami.
  3. He slid against a heat pump in back left corner, the metal slamming against his neck.
  4. We wait for Celestino, listening to the pump, the distant sound of running water.
  5. Tempting as it was to track down Vivie and pump her for information about who was a part of their cause, how many allies they had, what sort of resources they commanded, Cianne resisted the urge.
  6. He continued to pump poor Passepartout, and learned that he really knew little or nothing of his master, who lived a solitary existence in London, was said to be rich, though no one knew whence came his riches, and was mysterious and impenetrable in his affairs and habits.
  7. The gas pump clicks off, signaling my tank is full.
  8. He finished filling up his tank, grabbed the receipt off the pump, and climbed back in his car.
  9. A snack and gas refill, so long as the single pump is functional.
  10. Except maybe to pump him for information about that Arthur guy to keep Mr.