English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "albarbare" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anoni gama gari sun haɗa da: takarda, ko ’ya’yan itace, da aka niƙa, dakakke, ko kuma a yayyanka su zuwa qananan guda. fleshy, juicy part of a fruit or vegetables.A Genre of fiction that is known by its sensational and lurid subject matter, often involvement crime, jima'i, ko tashin hankali. p>Waɗannan su ne wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani da "ɓarnata," amma ana iya samun wasu ma'anoni dangane da mahallin.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then the wall opposite me flashed into a golden yellow and dissolved with a rending thunder that hammered my brain into a pulp.
  2. When, in a dream, it occurred to the youth that his rifle was an impotent stick, he lost sense of everything but his hate, his desire to smash into pulp the glittering smile of victory which he could feel upon the faces of his enemies.
  3. A few granules of sugar cling to lemon pulp at the bottom of my empty glass.
  4. All young men of a certain age wound up there as teenagers, eager to prove their mettle and beat each other into pulp for fun.
  5. Inwardly he was reduced to an abject pulp by these chance words.
  6. Zeke quickly smashed it to pulp, with fists transformed into rock.
  7. Seeing her small body slashed to a bloody pulp forced her legs to pump harder.
  8. They had ganged up on him, dragged him through mud and dog shit, beaten and kicked his face to a pulp.
  9. Having once been beaten to a pulp in a foreign land, I experienced that lesson more thoroughly than most ever will, an experience that would give the most ardent pacifist the impetus to learn how to really fight, to build up the strength required.
  10. Hawke roused our steed and calmed it with a pear from our stocks, loading our things as the horse crunched through pulp and core alike.