English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya amfani da kalmar "jawo" azaman suna ko fi'ili kuma tana da ma'anoni da yawa. Ga wasu ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “jawa”:A matsayin fi’ili:Don yin amfani da karfi domin motsa wani abu zuwa ga kansa ko kuma a inda ake so: " Ya ja kofar ya bude." Don zana ko ja da ƙarfi: "Sun fito da motar daga cikin rami." Magnet ya ja abubuwan karfen." Don cirewa ko cirewa da karfi ko da kokari: "Ya ciro hakori." Don aiwatar da aikin motsa jiki ko aiki: " Ya ja sled sama da tudu." Don fitar da ko samarwa (kamar yadda a cikin "jawo zomo daga hula").As a noun: Aiki ko misalin ja: "Ta ba igiyar jan hankali mai ƙarfi." on consumers." Karfin da ke jan hankali ko ya jawo: "Gwargwadon wata yana haifar da jan ruwa." Samfurin taba (slang): "Ya ɗauki dogon lokaci a kan sigarinsa."Don Allah a lura cewa waɗannan ma'anoni ne na gaba ɗaya, kuma kalmar "ja" na iya samun ƙarin ma'anoni dangane da mahallin. a cikinsa ake amfani da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan and Jed tried to pull him back but they were too late.
  2. I switched the stunner to my left hand and used my right to pull the dagger, flicking out the blade.
  3. She rolled off Lyella, seizing the banister to pull herself up.
  4. The magic from behind the door sparked against my skin, and it took supreme effort not to pull on it.
  5. Using a fire spell, she burned a hole through the ceiling, then cast an enchantment upon herself so she could jump high enough to seize an edge of the ruined rock and pull herself up onto the battlements.
  6. Spluttering and choking, Evan stupidly tried to pull the invisible vice off his throat, until he came to his senses and flung an energy bolt at his attacker.
  7. Evan threw himself at Sintian, grabbing him by the shoulders and trying to pull him off as nearby Venators rushed over.
  8. I promised myself to do a better job and stay in frequent contact with everyone, even pull together a family reunion that summer.
  9. Too bad New Orleans never had such pull, I think, as I head down impeccable marble aisles toward the baggage claim.
  10. As Brooke staggered away, she saw two more demons pull themselves through the hole in the roof.