English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "bugu" na iya samun ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Anan akwai wasu ma'anar ƙamus masu yiwuwa: /li> Fitar ko fitar da ɗan gajeren fashewar iska, hayaki, tururi, ko makamantansu. Puffing (adjective): Bayyana wani abu da aka siffanta shi da haske, mai sauri, ko gajere fashe ko kumbura. Bayyana wani abu mai kumburi ko kumbura, sau da yawa na dan lokaci. "busa," wanda ke nufin fitarwa ko busa cikin gajeriyar fashewa, numfashi mai nauyi da sauri, ko kumburi ko fadada. Yana da mahimmanci a lura cewa takamaiman ma'anar "tushe" na iya bambanta dangane da yanayin da ake amfani da shi. p>

Sentence Examples

  1. The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash, save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of Chupenie, twenty miles south-westward from Benares, the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of Behar or Ghazipur and its famous rose-water factories or the tomb of Lord Cornwallis, rising on the left bank of the Ganges the fortified town of Buxar, or Patna, a large manufacturing and trading-place, where is held the principal opium market of India or Monghir, a more than European town, for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham, with its iron foundries, edgetool factories, and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward.
  2. Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of this motley crowd, looking in at the windows of the rich and curious shops, the jewellery establishments glittering with quaint Japanese ornaments, the restaurants decked with streamers and banners, the tea-houses, where the odorous beverage was being drunk with saki, a liquor concocted from the fermentation of rice, and the comfortable smoking-houses, where they were puffing, not opium, which is almost unknown in Japan, but a very fine, stringy tobacco.
  3. In a landscape so open, the flash of the sun reflecting off the train became visible a long while before the puffing black beast neared the station, a plume of smoke floating off into the sky.
  4. The wall to my left burst, puffing dust on my shoulder and face.
  5. In actual fact, he really was beginning to tire at this stage so the puffing was quite genuine.
  6. He snipped a name and address, and Fosgate, puffing his pipe and eyeing the fire, reminded him of the telephone number.
  7. I see him outside, puffing on his pipe and scribbling theories on a sunny day.
  8. The wizard kept looking over his far shoulder and puffing loudly so that he made it obvious that he was being chased.
  9. A couple stood by a fire hydrant, puffing away and watching us with curiosity.
  10. Kristina had taken extra pains with her appearance that morning, puffing her strawberry blond hair at the crown before pinning it into a complicated braided bun.