English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bayarwa" ita ce samarwa ko samar da wani abu da ake buƙata ko ake so. Hakanan yana iya nufin samarwa ko wadatar da wani kayan aiki ko tanadi. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa ga ɗaukar matakan da suka dace don shirya ko biyan wata buƙatu ko buƙatu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Provide the right conditions and anyone will take advantage, it seems.
  2. At any rate, my hope is that this may provide us with a lead.
  3. In such moments, when my nose is pressed up hard against my pecuniary circumstances, I face afresh the knowledge that if I returned to England, endured the travails of single parenthood in an existence without Celestino, I would be sure to provide my daughter with something more than a hand-to-mouth lifestyle.
  4. At least I managed to provide him with a modicum of inspiration.
  5. She had taken extra care to provide some subtle insulation, filling any gaps and cracks she found and ensuring that her door fit snugly into its frame.
  6. Yet the holiday lets provide much low paid casual employment.
  7. I go on to provide Richard with the briefest possible synopsis of the events of the week, which still proves complex and convoluted, watching my food go cold as I speak.
  8. Northumberland had been able to assure the young monarch that this was a mere security, an eventually that he needed to provide against.
  9. He would not provide his lit form as a recognisable portrait framed by the embrasure for any other concealed observer.
  10. I doubted Lorraine lingered there, but a window overlooking the front of the building would provide an unobstructed view of the cable car station.