English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “zuriya” ita ce kamar haka:Noun:zuriya ko zuriyar mutum, dabba, ko tsiro; yara ko zuriya gaba ɗaya. Sakamako ko sakamakon wata tushe ko asali.Misali jimloli: zaki yana lura da zuriyarta yayin da suke wasa a cikin ciyawa." Masanin kimiyyar ya yi nazarin zuriyar tsirran da aka gyara ta hanyar tantance halayensu. shaida ga kwazonta da sadaukarwarta, kuma kamfaninta ya zama zuriyar hangen nesanta."


  1. offspring
  2. issue

Sentence Examples

  1. It also included Rose and all their progeny, forever and ever.
  2. You were sent away because none of you are compatible with our requirements, but some of your progeny might be.
  3. I watched Delp and his gang pound the hell out of the seven deadly sins, and their illicit progeny, to the wild applause of their tear-drenched stadium and concert hall audiences.
  4. Her instinctive fear of the father of her progeny was toning down.
  5. It will kill my progeny and others who might otherwise avoid mortal injury.
  6. Of her own experience she had no memory of the thing happening but in her instinct, which was the experience of all the mothers of wolves, there lurked a memory of fathers that had eaten their new-born and helpless progeny.