English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "privation" suna ne da ke nufin yanayin rashi ko aikatawa ba tare da wani abu da ake ganin yana da mahimmanci ko mustahabbi ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wahala ko wahala da ke haifar da wannan rashin, kamar rashin abinci, ruwa, ko wasu bukatu na yau da kullun. Gabaɗaya, rashi yana nuna yanayin matsananciyar buƙata ko rashi, sau da yawa ya haɗa da yanayin wahala, wahala, ko rashi.


  1. deprivation

Sentence Examples

  1. The countenance of this lady, made beautiful and saintly with an evidently complete giving up of her life to privation and sorrowful tenderness, her gentle and mournful voice urging its plea, her long-forgotten but habitually and unconsciously refined manners, and her appealing and yet appreciative mention of the claims and abilities of her son, disclosed at once the presence of one of those angels upon earth that women in adversity can be.
  2. Here, she must be leading a life of privation and penance there it would have been all enjoyment.