English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kariya" ita ce nuna hali ta hanyar da ba ta gaskiya ko gaskiya ba, sau da yawa da nufin yaudarar wasu. Hakanan yana iya nufin a sa ya zama kamar wani abu gaskiya ne ko a yi tunani ko gaskata wani abu da ba na gaske ba. Ana iya amfani da kalmar a matsayin fi’ili, kamar a cikin “Ya yi kamar yana sha’awar zance,” ko kuma a matsayin sifa, kamar yadda yake cikin “ gimbiya riya.”


  1. make-believe

Sentence Examples

  1. I shall not pretend to describe the feelings with which I gazed.
  2. Right now, I wish him here so I can hold him close and pretend all our problems never existed.
  3. I want to end this conversation, pretend the last few days never happened and disappear into spa heaven, but my heart drops between my knees.
  4. I had to pretend for the evening that I was a normal human girl, and enjoy my birthday.
  5. Decide ahead of time which of them will stare and which will pretend not to be scrutinizing me?
  6. I pretend to concentrate on scraping the bottom of the yogurt container.
  7. At least she could pretend that she knew what she was doing.
  8. The thought of having to look at her father, to know what he had done, and to smile and pretend as though she were still ignorant was repulsive to her.
  9. Arthur, kids are not adults, even though this state likes to pretend they are when they get in trouble.
  10. Those who were honoured by a better acquaintance with him than the rest, declared that nobody could pretend to have ever seen him anywhere else.