English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "preservative" wani abu ne da ake amfani dashi don hana lalacewa ko lalacewa na abinci, itace, ko wasu kayan aiki, yawanci ta hanyar hana ci gaban kwayoyin cuta da sauran kwayoyin halitta. Ana amfani da abubuwan kiyayewa da yawa a cikin abinci da aka sarrafa, kayan kwalliya, da magunguna don tsawaita rayuwarsu da hana kamuwa da cuta. Misalan abubuwan kiyayewa sun haɗa da gishiri, vinegar, citric acid, da sodium benzoate.

Sentence Examples

  1. The expert suggested that a dilute solution of preservative could be sprayed on the outside of the product rather than mixing it into the batter.
  2. In this way, the preservative would go only where it was needed, on the outside of the product, and it would be so dilute as to not impact taste.