English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin fi’ili, “haɓaka” yana da ƴan ma’anoni ƙamus daban-daban dangane da mahallin, amma mafi yawan ma’anoni su ne: faruwa kwatsam ko kuma ba zato ba tsammani; don kawo faruwa ba zato ba tsammani ko da wuri. Misali: Sanarwar da ba a zata ba ta haifar da rikici. Misali: Ya fara hazo sosai, yana sa tuki da wahala. adjective) faruwa kwatsam ko ba tare da gargadi ba; ba zato ba tsammani. Misali: Tsawar da ta yanke ya sa ta yi nadama a kan abin da ta aikata daga baya. m. Misali: Halayyar sa ta sa shi rasa aikinsa. Misali: Ruwan ruwa ya sauka a kasan filako.

Sentence Examples

  1. Left by their guide, the travelers remained a few minutes in helpless ignorance, afraid even to move along the broken rocks, lest a false step should precipitate them down some one of the many deep and roaring caverns, into which the water seemed to tumble, on every side of them.
  2. The officer had followed the brilliant train in the air he endeavored to precipitate himself upon the barrel and tear out the match before it reached the powder it contained.
  3. To precipitate an endless series of counters that would end with him the victor in another ten moves.
  4. As might have been expected, spasms and violent headache were the immediate consequences of an experiment so precipitate and full of danger.
  5. Pelisson easily explained this precipitate departure by saying that an order from the king had summoned the minister to Nantes.
  6. And her decision would precipitate a fateful evening indeed.
  7. They loomed ominously above him and when the breeze stirred them into huge movements, he cowered down in fear, keeping his eyes warily upon them, and prepared to spring away if they attempted to precipitate themselves upon him.
  8. He thought he could read danger in the eyes of the young prince, which fear would but precipitate.