English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mallaka" ita ce yanayin samun ko mallakar wani abu, yawanci dukiya ko dukiya, ko iko na zahiri ko tsare wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin da ake sarrafa shi ko damuwa da wani abu, kamar ji ko motsin rai.

Sentence Examples

  1. I thus detail the precise mode in which it came into my possession for the circumstances impressed me with peculiar force.
  2. To these speeches they gave, of course, their own interpretation fancying, no doubt, that at all events I should come into possession of vast quantities of ready money and provided I paid them all I owed, and a trifle more, in consideration of their services, I dare say they cared very little what became of either my soul or my carcass.
  3. The mark on your shoulder is more than a sign of your being my possession.
  4. Possession of a murder weapon and an identikit match hardly warranted fool-proof evidence against Humphreys.
  5. That he did not live to take possession was due to his fatal misjudgement of the ability of his quarry.
  6. The blank lines still following the entry told Peter that Mya had not been in possession of the item long.
  7. Drew fell to the ground, scrambling for possession of the gun with Long.
  8. His old vagabond nature returned to him the fantastic ideas of his youth once more took possession of him.
  9. In the first place I considered the manner in which the parchment had come into my possession.
  10. They are free to marry or not, as they please but it is worth noting that it is mainly the female citizens of Utah who are anxious to marry, as, according to the Mormon religion, maiden ladies are not admitted to the possession of its highest joys.