English to hausa meaning of

Portsmouth suna ne da ya dace wanda ke nufin wani birni da ke bakin tekun kudancin Ingila. Ita ce birni na biyu mafi girma a cikin lardin Hampshire kuma an san shi da ɗimbin tarihin sojan ruwa, kasancewar gida ga mafi tsufan jirgin ruwa na Navy na Royal Navy da jiragen ruwa masu tarihi da yawa. An yi imanin sunan "Portsmouth" ya fito daga Tsohuwar kalmomin Ingilishi "tashar ruwa" da "ham", ma'ana "gari mai tashar jiragen ruwa".


  1. pompey

Sentence Examples

  1. Together with Hurst and the other Solent forts, they made up a formidable chain of castles, forts and shore batteries constructed during Napoleonic times to defend Portsmouth against the threat of invasion by the French.
  2. Go but to Portsmouth or Southampton, and you will find the harbors crowded with the yachts belonging to such of the English as can afford the expense, and have the same liking for this amusement.
  3. At my house he will get a certain document from Whittaker, and after that he will be motored to Portsmouth where a destroyer will take him to Havre.
  4. At Portsmouth naval base, we have no shortage of hardware but we have very few trained personnel.
  5. They were both accessible by boat from the mainland via Gosport and Portsmouth, or from the island via Ryde.
  6. had promised Mademoiselle de Keroualle a little gratitude for her good counsels he made her Duchess of Portsmouth.
  7. Peterson had re-established communication with the Royal Navy and now had a permanent liaison officer based in Portsmouth to foster improved relations between the two allies.
  8. But definitely not like the more portly Sea Kings she had grown used to seeing on rare occasions shuttling in and out of the Royal Navy base at Portsmouth.
  9. Scavenging trips to Portsmouth and Gosport were more lucrative but considered too dangerous.
  10. They were still trying to establish contact with the Royal Navy at Portsmouth, getting no response.