English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙazanta" ita ce gurbata ko sanya wani abu marar tsarki, yawanci ta hanyar gabatar da abubuwa ko abubuwa masu cutarwa ko masu guba. Yana iya komawa ga kowace irin gurbacewar muhalli, kamar iska, ruwa, ko gurbacewar ƙasa, ko kuma ga ƙarin ra'ayoyi marasa fahimta kamar gurbatar harshe ko al'ada. Mahimmanci, ƙazanta yana nufin shigar da wani abu mai cutarwa ko wanda ba a so a cikin tsarin halitta ko na ɗan adam, wanda hakan zai haifar da lalacewa ko rushewa ga daidaito da lafiyar tsarin.


  1. foul
  2. contaminate

Sentence Examples

  1. Since they did not want to pollute the environment where they lived and trained, nor, Arthur reminded them, did they want to make the city at large even dirtier, a group of boys always collected all of the garbage into large leaf bags and tied them off.
  2. And then these caustic memories from the past pollute that beautiful moment.
  3. You pollute our planet and kill our rivers and even our great forests and oceans.

TV Series Examples



You pollute my home with his presence?