English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar kalmar “waka” tana nufin sifar sifar waqe-waqe ko mawaqa, tare da mai da hankali kan kyawun harshe, hoto, kari, da motsin rai. Yana ba da shawarar wani fasaha da ƙirƙira a cikin amfani da kalmomi, sau da yawa don bayyana ma'ana mai zurfi ko don isar da tunanin tunani ko falsafa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her white and slender fingers, her pearly neck, her cheeks tinted with varying hues reminded one of the lovely Englishwomen who have been so poetically compared in their manner to the gracefulness of a swan.
  2. In her heart, she knew it was unlikely that they survived The Rapsys, or Opening of Eyes, as the street dogs of her former town rather poetically referred to this massive change that shook the very marrow of their bones.