English to hausa meaning of

Lafazin faranta rai, sifa ce da ke bayyana wani abu da yake ba da jin daɗi ko gamsuwa. Yana nufin wani abu mai daɗi, yarda, ko gamsarwa ga hankali, motsin rai, ko abubuwan da ake so. Hakanan yana iya nuna wani abu mai ban sha'awa, mai ban sha'awa, ko jin daɗin kamanni ko ɗabi'a. Gabaɗaya, "mai gamsarwa" yana nuna tabbatacce kuma ƙwarewa mai gamsarwa ko inganci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Weston had, of course, formed a very favourable idea of the young man and such a pleasing attention was an irresistible proof of his great good sense, and a most welcome addition to every source and every expression of congratulation which her marriage had already secured.
  2. He liked to cultivate herbs, but more important to him was that his garden was in good order, laid out in lines that were pleasing to the eye and soothing to the mind.
  3. And he was really a very pleasing young man, a young man whom any woman not fastidious might like.
  4. It is pleasing to see that you are looking better.
  5. This is the story I promised to tell you, and if I have been tedious in telling it, I will not be slow to serve you my hut is close by, and I have fresh milk and dainty cheese there, as well as a variety of toothsome fruit, no less pleasing to the eye than to the palate.
  6. He turned into Hagg Side Lane and surveyed the pleasing form of the twelfth-century Norman church.
  7. While pleasing to the eye, the soaring vaulted ceiling and tall, grand mullioned windows ensured that the open space was quiet only later at night, when the skeleton crew remained behind to man the station.
  8. The pleasing texture of the embroidered surface bumped against her palm.
  9. A pleasing image of a partially dismembered, disfigured, and bleeding body, one that replaced the horror in the cart, and this vision disturbed him not at all.
  10. Fortunately for Sant, the Old Man was too busy pleasing Lister to bother too much with the riffraff below.