English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai yiwuwa" wani abu ne da ya bayyana ma'ana ko tabbatacce, ko kuma a fili yake gaskiya ne ko mai gamsarwa bisa ga hujjoji ko bayanai da ake da su. Yana nuna cewa wani abu abin gaskatawa ne, mai yuwuwa, ko kuma karɓuwa, ko da yake ba lallai ba ne ya zama gaskiya ko kuma daidai.

Sentence Examples

  1. The conjecture was at least a plausible one, and the detective began to seriously regret that he had embarked on the affair.
  2. I sat on the edge of it, my mind racing through every plausible reason why my boss would want me in her office.
  3. I gave him a short account of some particulars, and made my story as plausible and consistent as I could but I thought it necessary to disguise my country, and call myself a Hollander, because my intentions were for Japan, and I knew the Dutch were the only Europeans permitted to enter into that kingdom.
  4. And August was no fool-whatever his father told him would have to be close enough to the truth to seem plausible.
  5. The only plausible explanation for the media presence was that information about the murders had leaked out to them.
  6. She had no one to cover for her, though, so it was best she not have to try and invent something plausible.
  7. I put on a plausible facade, but resentment overpowered my pretense of grieving.
  8. I considered taking the carriage but feared drawing attention to visiting Mary without a plausible excuse.
  9. My story about an enemy of her long-dead parents, freshly out of jail and seeking revenge, had sounded plausible enough when I had come up with it yesterday.
  10. I can think of nothing more intriguing than hearing you sing however, a trip to Chicago is not any more plausible than San Francisco.