English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dandamali" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gabaɗaya tana nufin wani sama ko mataki da aka ɗaukaka da shi azaman tushe ko tushe don wata manufa. Anan ga wasu ma'anoni gama gari: Tsarin tsari ko mataki wanda mutane za su iya tsayawa, magana, yi, ko ɗaukar wani mataki akan su. Wani tsarin aiki ko software. muhallin da aikace-aikace za su iya gudana. Takalmi mai tsayi da tafin kafa mai kauri. damar tattaunawa ko muhawara a bainar jama'a, kamar dandalin sada zumunta ko shirin talabijin.


  1. chopine

Sentence Examples

  1. A loudspeaker voice was telling them to leave the platform by their designated colour, each carriage arranged so that it was matched up to the correct tunnel.
  2. This time, icy air slammed into me, and I barely reacted in time to grab for the edge of the platform and hang there, cursing whoever in the Multiverse had thought this was a good idea for offworld security.
  3. A train sat invitingly on the platform, but not the kind of train she would have expected.
  4. Those assorted on the platform began to move forward, helping each other up onto the train.
  5. She saw a similar set up to the previous station, except the wire mesh tunnels leading away from this platform were all colour coded.
  6. I slanted my head at the angle I thought would align with the bottom platform and opened my eyes.
  7. Stepping past the table, they joined a disjointed throng that wandered almost hypnotically toward the platform and the train that held such promise and such dread.
  8. Opposite, I could see a platform on the side of a skyscraper, impossible to reach by jumping.
  9. Behind Conner, the train platform could be seen, dozens of people milling there.
  10. Brooke stood on a narrow platform, hewn out of stone.