English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "tausayi" ita ce: ta hanyar nuna ko nuna tausayi ko tausayi ga wani ko wani abu. Lalaci ne da ake amfani da shi wajen siffanta yanayi ko sautin da wani ya yi magana ko nuna hali ga mutum ko yanayin da ya ji tausayinsa ko kuma ya tausaya masa. Misali, idan wani ya ce “ta kalle shi cikin tausayi,” hakan na nufin ta kalle shi cikin bacin rai ko kuma tausayin halin da yake ciki.


  1. compassionately

Sentence Examples

  1. When Waterstone and Autumn Leaves attempted to explain that Tarkyn would now insist on being included, they were regarded pityingly by many of the oathfree woodfolk and it was carefully explained to them that it was the welfare of the woodfolk as a whole, not Tarkyn, that was under consideration and that Tarkyn could not force them to include him if they chose not to.