English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni da yawa na kalmar "rami" dangane da mahallin, amma ga wasu na kowa: minerals ko a matsayin tarko ga dabbobi. Wani wuri da aka nutse a cikin wani wuri, galibi ana amfani da shi don wasan tsere ko wasanni, kamar ramin tseren mota ko zoben dambe. dutse ko iri da ake samu a cikin ’ya’yan itace kamar peach, ceri, ko avocado.Ji na tsananin yanke ƙauna, baƙin ciki ko wofi, kamar a cikin “ramin yanke ƙauna.” Akwatin da ake riƙe da gawayi ko wani mai, kamar rami mai wuta. Don cire dutsen ko iri daga ’ya’yan itace, kamar a cikin “to pit a ceri.” Za a iya samun wasu ma'anoni dangane da mahallin.


  1. colliery

Sentence Examples

  1. As we near Yaiza the vineyards come into view, with their orderly rows of cinder pit plantings protected by dry stone walls.
  2. A ball of anxiety rolled around in the pit of my stomach.
  3. I could feel the fury building in the pit of my stomach.
  4. Kayla had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
  5. All at once a queasy feeling formed in the pit of my stomach.
  6. For some reason that knowledge made the knot in the pit of my stomach grow larger and pull a little tighter.
  7. Ignoring the dread in the pit of his stomach, Carl grabbed the harness from Cruncher and strapped himself in.
  8. The thought of her entrapped in the pit of vipers that was House Staerleigh terrified him.
  9. At first, she thought it was a bottomless pit that went on forever.
  10. They set down their drinks and gathered to the side of the fire pit.