English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "pinprick" suna ne da ke nufin wani ɗan huda kaɗan ko gajeriyar jin zafi da allura, fil, ko wani abu mai kaifi ke haifarwa, ko kuma ana iya amfani da shi wajen kwatanta ɗan huda da aka yi. ta irin wannan abu. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar a alamance don komawa ga ƙaramin bacin rai ko haushi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The blade nicked the skin so that a tiny pinprick of blood trickled down his neck.
  2. If successful, his letters and numbers crawling across the telecom line would do enormous damage, the electronic equivalent of a pinprick taking down a tank.
  3. The burning fire in my arm faded and I felt an intense pinprick pain on the top of my forehead as if the thing stabbed me.
  4. Every touch of her fingertips was a tiny pinprick of ice.
  5. A pinprick of light falling in the sky caught his eye.
  6. into a heavily populated area just to take vengeance, or maybe to cause a pinprick to a governmental organization that will probably hardly notice the disruption?
  7. But they had given Iliana dozens of tiny pinprick wounds, all over her body.
  8. He withdrew the needle, keeping the pressure on the puncture mark with his gloved finger, and stuck a plaster over the expanding pinprick of blood, handing the syringe to his assistant.
  9. There was a tiny pinprick of light very far away that I headed for.