English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya ma'anar "ruwan hoda" a matsayin: kowane rukunin launuka masu kama da ja zuwa ja da ja li>launin ja mai ja na crayfish ko lobsterfuran ruwan hoda na gama-gari ( Dianthus caryophyllus ) da ake nomawa da yawa don ruwan hoda, ja, ko farar furanni masu ƙamshidon yanke tare da zigzag gefen don hana frayingBugu da ƙari, "ruwan hoda" kuma za a iya amfani da shi azaman fi'ili ma'ana "ya zama ruwan hoda" ko "don juya ruwan hoda."

Sentence Examples

  1. Just watching her sip that pink stuff leaves an awful aftertaste in my mind and I swallow hard.
  2. The deep and pointed collar of her pink dress shirt covered her entire neck and had a small opal and silver broach clasped over the top button.
  3. The water swirling in the bottom of the tub had a pink tinge.
  4. Evan was surprised to find the walls were pink, laden with pictures of alien landscapes, similar to those dotted around the Fortress.
  5. Apart from an unnaturally pale man with faded pink eyes and an elderly orc engrossed in a poetry book, he was alone.
  6. I smell eucalyptus and lavender and other heavenly scents, and the soft glow of candles illuminates the pink walls straight out of nineteen sixty-nine.
  7. The jacket was adorned with pink fluffy shoulder pads and its zip was humming softly, the metal teeth wriggling.
  8. Turning bright shades of pink, I covered my face with my hands.
  9. She reaches down and picks up a pink spotted dress.
  10. The biggest poster was bright pink with large gold writing.