English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "alade" tana nufin dabbar dabbar gida mai ko'ina mai tsayin jiki, gajerun ƙafafu, da hanci da ake amfani da shi don yin rooting. Nasa ne ga jinsin Sus, kuma mafi yawan nau'in nau'in nau'in alade ne na gida (Sus scrofa domesticus). Yawancin lokaci ana kiwon aladu don naman su, amma kuma ana iya ajiye su azaman dabbobi. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “alade” a alamance don siffanta mai kwadayi ko maciyi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Della came running out the door, and I held up Jake to the windshield best I could since he was wiggling like a baby pig, and she came running alongside the bus as Duane drove toward the back where he parked it.
  2. The scent of roast pig filled the hall with the warmth of the flames.
  3. A wild pig with giant tusks broke out of the brush and ran down the trail, away from them.
  4. Josh had attacked him yes, but the guy was obviously mad, and now Josh had slaughtered him like a pig.
  5. On the other hand, the pig business stinks, literally not figuratively.
  6. This, as might be suspected, is a little pig that has just been weaned from its mother.
  7. I know old folks get cold a lot easier, but I was sweating like a pig.
  8. The nostrils of his nose bulged out like that of a pig, and his teeth were yellow and sharp at the ends like fangs.
  9. I mean anywhere near a pig farm, it really smells bad.
  10. The fat pig should make quite the stain in front of your palace.

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