English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "piano" kayan kiɗa ne da ake kunna ta hanyar danna maɓalli a kan madannai, wanda ke sa hammers su buga igiyoyi a cikin akwati na katako, suna samar da sautin kiɗa. Kalmar "piano" ta fito ne daga kalmar Italiyanci "pianoforte," wanda ke nufin "ƙara mai laushi." An ba da wannan suna ga kayan aikin saboda yana iya samar da sautuna masu taushi da ƙararrawa, dangane da yadda ake buga maɓallan.


  1. pianissimo

Sentence Examples

  1. Their grandmother sat at the piano in the other room and played an old tune Iszak recognized as a variation on his own song.
  2. Beneath the high window, the sunbeams glinted off the polished ebony surface of a baby grand piano.
  3. She hurried to their home, where the piano stood waiting for the fingers of one gifted enough to play it again.
  4. He returned to the piano and, once again, his fingers danced across the keys as he thought of his wedding night, and begged the moon and stars to grant him the song he desired to play.
  5. Maybe he was back at his piano, she found herself wishing, clamoring out the notes to the song of life he had come up with when he was human and loved her.
  6. The gold light that danced around Elizabeth was nearly as beautiful as the music that continued to play even though no one was touching the piano, and she could do nothing but stare, transfixed.
  7. The weekly death marches to her house four blocks away to pound out butchered songs from that green piano book.
  8. Grandpop played the piano and guitar while Nana D sang and played the clarinet.
  9. She stood from the piano bench and, like a little girl among flowers, danced and twirled around the room, eyes shut, head back as if she were five years old again.
  10. The piano sat untouched as if calling to her, though she had no idea how to play it.