English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "karkatarwa" ita ce karkatar da wani abu daga ainihin hanyarsa, ma'anarsa, ko yanayinsa, sau da yawa ta hanyar jima'i ko dabi'a. “Mai karkata” na iya nuni ga mutumin da ya yi jima’i mara kyau ko karkatacciya, ko kuma wanda yake da lalata ko karkatacciyar ɗabi’a. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman fi’ili, ma’ana a batar da wani daga abin da ake ganin al’ada ko kuma ya dace.


  1. deviant
  2. deviate
  3. degenerate

Sentence Examples

  1. It was a huge relief to no longer be naked with that pervert next door scanning every inch of his body.
  2. You see, she had followed the pervert voluntarily, of her own free will.
  3. She did, and I smiled at the pervert in front of me.
  4. The sin and decadence of the outside world will always try to undermine and pervert the holy teaching of your God All-Father.
  5. The crimson stream from his smashed nose ran over his face as she hit him until the pervert stopped fighting back.
  6. Justice held her ground, undisturbed and unassailed by the efforts of favour and of interest, that now so much impair, pervert, and beset her.
  7. In answer to which I assured his honor that the business and study of their own profession so took up all their thoughts and time, that they attended to nothing else, and therefore in all points out of their own trade many of them were so ignorant and stupid that it would be difficult to pick out of any profession a generation of men more despicable in common conversation or so much looked upon as avowed enemies of all knowledge and learning, and equally disposed to pervert the general reasons of mankind in every other subject of discourse, as in that of their own calling.