English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "da kaina" ita ce:(lafazi) da ke da alaƙa da mutum ɗaya ko na keɓantacce mutum ko al'amuransa; kai tsaye, sabanin ta hanyar wakili ko tsaka-tsaki; ta hanyar da ji, ra'ayi, ko gogewa suka rinjayi.

Sentence Examples

  1. There are things I need to personally attend to, and leaving Natalie in their hands will put my mind at ease.
  2. They seemed to have taken no small pride in our discovery, shooing away other guards who tried to follow as if they were personally responsible for us.
  3. Personally, I thought Earth people did a great job compensating for the lack of magic in their own world.
  4. The deception had been one thing, but the death of his men had fuelled the vigour he put into locating the man he now wanted to personally tear limb from limb.
  5. Dominic had personally whipped her twelve times, one lashing for every month she was with him.
  6. You take everything so personally sometimes, Kellan.
  7. People she never knew personally, they were distant memories of a life now stolen from her.
  8. Since when have the powerful in any nation the world over resisted the temptation to profit, personally, out of business deals?
  9. The next morning, he came to wake me personally, bringing a large breakfast for us to share.
  10. He recognised himself as being personally interested in the wager, and trembled at the thought that he might have been the means of losing it by his unpardonable folly of the night before.