English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mutum" suna ne da ke nufin mutum mai ban mamaki ko mahimmanci, sau da yawa wanda yake da matsayi ko matsayi a cikin al'umma. Yana kuma iya komawa ga wani hali a cikin wasan kwaikwayo, labari, ko wani aikin adabi, ko kuma a zahiri ko yanayin mutum.


  1. influential person
  2. important person

Sentence Examples

  1. He is, at best, a poor plagiarist all he can do is to follow slavishly the lead given him by Cervantes his only humour lies in making Don Quixote take inns for castles and fancy himself some legendary or historical personage, and Sancho mistake words, invert proverbs, and display his gluttony all through he shows a proclivity to coarseness and dirt, and he has contrived to introduce two tales filthier than anything by the sixteenth century novellieri and without their sprightliness.
  2. Following these came a personage of gigantic stature enveloped rather than clad in a gown of the deepest black, the skirt of which was of prodigious dimensions.
  3. Miss Woodhouse was so great a personage in Highbury, that the prospect of the introduction had given as much panic as pleasure but the humble, grateful little girl went off with highly gratified feelings, delighted with the affability with which Miss Woodhouse had treated her all the evening, and actually shaken hands with her at last!
  4. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world.
  5. A personage, who it appeared afterwards was a physician, placed himself standing by his side with a whalebone wand in his hand.
  6. The other was a small, slight-built personage, with a nervous, intelligent face, and bright eyes peering out from under eyebrows which he was incessantly twitching.
  7. And if truth to life is the main thing the drama should keep in view, how is it possible for any average understanding to be satisfied when the action is supposed to pass in the time of King Pepin or Charlemagne, and the principal personage in it they represent to be the Emperor Heraclius who entered Jerusalem with the cross and won the Holy Sepulchre, like Godfrey of Bouillon, there being years innumerable between the one and the other?
  8. How did this eccentric personage pass his time on the Mongolia?
  9. Fogg repaired to the Exchange, where, he did not doubt, every one would know so wealthy and considerable a personage as the Parsee merchant.
  10. This personage, who had taken the train at Elko, was tall and dark, with black moustache, black stockings, a black silk hat, a black waistcoat, black trousers, a white cravat, and dogskin gloves.