English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "rikitarwa" ita ce ji gaba ɗaya ruɗe, ruɗe, ko ruɗe, musamman idan aka fuskanci matsala, yanayi, ko aiki mai wuyar fahimta ko warwarewa. Mutumin da ya ruɗe yana iya zama rashin tabbas game da abin da zai yi ko tunani kuma yana iya rasa kalmomi ko ayyuka. Wani yanayi ne na rudani ko rashin tabbas sakamakon rashin fahimta ko tsafta.

Sentence Examples

  1. I happened to wear my gloves, which the master gray observing, seemed perplexed, discovering signs of wonder what I had done to my forefeet he put his hoof three or four times to them, as if he would signify that I should reduce them to their former shape, which I presently did, pulling off both my gloves, and putting them into my pocket.
  2. Turning the scanner off, I laid it down and sat slowly on the cot next to his, severely perplexed.
  3. The sailor, in the meantime, was both rejoiced and perplexed.
  4. And although they are dexterous enough upon a piece of paper, in the management of the rule, the pencil, and the divider, yet in the common actions and behavior of life, I have not seen a more clumsy, awkward, and unhandy people, nor so slow and perplexed in their conceptions upon all other subjects, except those of mathematics and music.
  5. Harry looked perplexed, his small eyes narrowing further.
  6. His perplexed eyes appraised me as Murdock controlled his actions remotely.
  7. Dean Terry walked away with a perplexed expression on her face.
  8. I was perplexed by the way she so easily understood my concerns for King Olaf and the people of the Vik.
  9. The wealth of the father and the beauty of the daughter led many neighbours as well as strangers to seek her for a wife but he, as one might well be who had the disposal of so rich a jewel, was perplexed and unable to make up his mind to which of her countless suitors he should entrust her.
  10. Arthur exchanged another perplexed look with Jack as the paramedic glanced around the lobby.