English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shiga" ita ce shiga ko wuce ta wani abu, musamman ma da ƙarfi da wani zurfin zurfi ko ƙarfi. Hakanan yana iya nufin samun dama ko fahimtar wani abu mai zurfi, kamar ra'ayi ko ra'ayi, ko haifar da wani abu mai zurfi cikin wani abu, kamar wani abu. Ƙari ga haka, tana iya komawa ga iya huda ko huda wani abu, ko kutsawa ko shiga wani wuri ko ƙungiya, sau da yawa da nufin tattara bayanai ko yin tasiri.


  1. bottom
  2. fathom

Sentence Examples

  1. The mind remained blank to me, its defenses too strong for me to penetrate.
  2. Of bell or knocker there was no sign through these frowning walls and dark window openings it was not likely that my voice could penetrate.
  3. Gales hugged the manor for a week and rain tried to penetrate every room, and in some places it had a good degree of success.
  4. Seeing the blade turned down, Rune visibly braced for the sword to penetrate his heart as Kallan dropped all her weight onto him and plunged Gramm into the earth.
  5. I wrapped my hands around the cup and felt the warmth penetrate my cold fingers.
  6. The cold of the cloth began to penetrate her body and the lack of sun meant it lay almost as wet as the moment she had emerged from the water.
  7. The arrows shattered against the Seidr, unable to penetrate the shield Kallan formed.
  8. Two small boys, sons of a Madame Deluc, while roaming among the woods near the Barrière du Roule, chanced to penetrate a close thicket, within which were three or four large stones, forming a kind of seat, with a back and footstool.
  9. I wrap my fingers around my cup, feeling the warmth penetrate my skin.
  10. Even if they had the means to penetrate so far into their own territory, they could not defeat me.

TV Series Examples



Try to penetrate the enigma that is me.