English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hukunce-hukunce" hukunci ne da aka yi don karya doka, ƙa'ida, ko kwangila. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga rashin lahani ko naƙasa da aka sanya wa ƙungiya, ɗan wasa, ko mai fafatawa don keta doka ko cin zarafi yayin wasa, wasa, ko gasa. Ƙari ga haka, tana iya komawa ga jimillar kuɗi ko wasu kadarorin da aka yi hasashe a matsayin hukunci don cin zarafi ko laifi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Myrshan Battle Masters had created a style for their sole use, and non-Adepts were prohibited from using it under penalty of imprisonment.
  2. If caught trespassing in such a sacred place the penalty would be severe.
  3. They say that he swindled a dealer in hides, and now must pay the penalty.
  4. But as I am persuaded that no one can long persevere in the attempt to win love unsustained by some hope, I am willing to attribute to myself the blame of thy assurance, for no doubt some thoughtlessness of mine has all this time fostered thy hopes and therefore will I punish myself and inflict upon myself the penalty thy guilt deserves.
  5. If we squires were the sons of the knights we serve, or their very near relations, it would be no wonder if the penalty of their misdeeds overtook us, even to the fourth generation.
  6. I thought it was going to a penalty or something, but my dad assured me it was good.
  7. There was bound to be some kind of penalty for the death of a Councilman.
  8. The Lord Mayor called for the immediate return of the death penalty for police killers.
  9. The deception was carried on for some time, until at the end of a few months Fortune turned her wheel and the guilt which had been until then so skilfully concealed was published abroad, and Anselmo paid with his life the penalty of his ill-advised curiosity.
  10. In short it was with just cause that we were visited with the penalty of banishment, a mild and lenient one in the eyes of some, but to us the most terrible that could be inflicted upon us.

TV Series Examples



The penalty for desertion...