English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "peek" ita ce duba da sauri ko da sauri, sau da yawa daga wuri mai ɓoye ko ta hanyar ƙaramin buɗewa. Hakanan yana iya nufin ɗaukar ɗan taƙaitaccen kallo ko kallon wani abu ko wani. Ana iya amfani da kalmar a matsayin duka biyun suna da kuma fi’ili, kuma galibi ana danganta su da ra’ayin daukar wani abu da sauri ko a asirce.


  1. glint
  2. glance

Sentence Examples

  1. I become aware of my back resting against hot steel and crack my eye to peek.
  2. The sun was starting to peek up, tingeing the sky a pretty aquamarine color, and I felt my heart flutter at the way its rays played off the trees and tall grasses.
  3. I went to a window with the pretense of cleaning it to take a peek.
  4. In the elevator, I sneak a peek at his face, and he turns his head toward me.
  5. She took a quick peek at Carl and wondered what it would have been like to share the moment with him instead.
  6. A soft light glowed from one of the barn windows, but it was too high for me to peek through.
  7. Turn the page for a sneak peek or click here to read it now!
  8. I peek into the old-fashioned bathroom with its giant tub and pedestal sink and see bath products open and scattered about.
  9. You can also look straight up to the fourth floor, not to mention peek around the corners of each floor you visit.
  10. I slid the bolt across the top of the door and opened it just enough to peek inside.