English to hausa meaning of

Sunan "Paul" sunan namiji ne da aka ba shi daga asalin Latin, wanda ke nufin "karami" ko "tawali'u." An samo shi daga sunan Latin "Paulus," wanda ya kasance sanannen suna a tsohuwar Roma. An yi amfani da sunan a ko’ina a tarihin Kiristanci, domin sunan ɗaya daga cikin muhimman mutane a Kiristanci na farko, manzo Bulus. A yau, sunan Bulus ya kasance sunan gama gari a ƙasashe da yawa a duniya.


  1. alice paul

Sentence Examples

  1. My banged up body, for what it was worth, lay left behind, passed-out on the couch with the Bible opened, to the Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, and spread on my chest like a sleeping infant.
  2. In both cases, Paul liked to reminisce, he had obtained a load of money in compensation and had lived like a king for a while.
  3. The eldest officer, Paul it said on his nametag, took the radio and clicked the talk button.
  4. He turned and glared at the shabby man, who had stopped coughing and was now muttering to himself about Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee drinking antifreeze out of champagne flutes.
  5. Very slowly, tenderly, Paul leaned forwards and kissed his lips.
  6. So I phoned Victor Hadley, who told me that this must be Paul McKenzie, indeed an old colleague of his, who lost an eye in a barroom brawl, and an arm in an accident on a building site.
  7. Paul ushered Cody into a spacious living room of suffocating coziness.
  8. It sounded like American gospel combined with the type of African music recorded by Paul Simon.
  9. The story on the street is that old Paul used to be a bookmaker.
  10. Again, in the words of Saint Paul, The very first step in arming yourself for battle against the devil is to gird your loins with truth.