English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "patchwork" suna ne da ke nufin wani nau'i na allura wanda ake dinka ƙananan yadudduka don ƙirƙirar ƙira mafi girma. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar dalla-dalla don kwatanta duk wani abu da ya ƙunshi ɓangarorin da ba su dace ba ko waɗanda aka haɗa tare, kamar facin al'adu, ra'ayoyi, ko salo daban-daban. A wannan ma'anar, "patchwork" kuma ana iya amfani da shi azaman sifa don kwatanta wani abu da aka haɗa ta hanyar faci.

Sentence Examples

  1. The ground was a patchwork of brambles and sharp-sided heaps of stone.
  2. In her place was a petite teenager in a long patchwork skirt, and a denim jacket with decals of cats and planets sewn onto the denim.
  3. He wore patchwork clothing, hastily sewn together to fit his massive frame.
  4. Soon we got rolling through countryside spotted with windmills and fields like green patchwork quilts.
  5. Many of the men were dressed like sailors, wearing rough, patchwork clothing that rarely matched.
  6. The road ahead descended into the spectacular valley with patchwork fields of green, brown, yellow and gold.
  7. The huge forest sat in the north, the tops of its trees like a patchwork quilt from this high up, with an array of colours from silver to purple.
  8. The patchwork shade upon the ground made the field a blend of light and darkness.
  9. Place smiled and tied her patchwork apron on, turning away to start putting the supper Olivia had prepared on the table.
  10. The result was a patchwork quilt of twinkling gold.