English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “aku” suna ne da ke nufin wani tsuntsu mai launi mai ɗan gajeren baki mai lanƙwasa, sau da yawa ana ajiye shi azaman dabbar dabba, wanda aka san shi da iya kwaikwayi maganganun ɗan adam da sauran surutu. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar a matsayin fi’ili don kwatanta aikin maimaitawa ko kwaikwayi wani abu ko wani, sau da yawa ba tare da fahimtar ma’anarsa ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. But the items Parrot took from the drawer were several issues of the Forum.
  2. The way Parrot sat, tall, chin high, forearms at ease on the armrests of his rolling chair, he looked like royalty awaiting petitioners.
  3. Then he waited for Parrot to talk, to question or maybe confess.
  4. I feel sorry for the parrot who, like many of the residents here, is in his nineties, but I do steer clear of him.
  5. These days, Boss Parrot not only ran the Harbor Commission, but called the plays for the Police Department and coached Mayor Cryer on the ins and outs of the politics racket.
  6. Leo and Florence stayed in the PackardEver since they left Kent Parrot, neither of them had spoken or glanced any way but straight ahead.
  7. One had a beard sculpted into a parrot sitting on his shoulder.
  8. Leo stood by a window looking out while Parrot gave a few seconds to each page of the report.
  9. Tom wheeled and saw Parrot standing beside a Chrysler Touring convertible.
  10. She was wearing a hat with a parrot feather stuck from the side.