English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "pang" ciwo ne mai kaifi kwatsam ko jin rashin jin daɗi ko damuwa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ji na motsin rai kwatsam, kamar baƙin ciki na nadama ko rashin hankali. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "pang" azaman fi'ili ma'ana don haifar ko fuskantar wani zafi ko motsin rai kwatsam.

Sentence Examples

  1. She felt a pang of sadness, remembering his laughter.
  2. I am almost distracted when I think of her to look at her gives me a pang.
  3. Carl felt a pang of jealousy at the display of tenderness.
  4. With a pang, Brooke saw people she knew taking part in the vicious battle.
  5. A sudden pang took him and he doubled over, but he held a hand out to stop me when I approached with concern.
  6. Sir Brown Horse was sleeping without a care beneath a blanket draped across his back, and I felt a pang of jealousy for the lucky beast.
  7. He felt a pang of longing for his mother, and for the sausages and bacon she kept stocking up for him.
  8. Lance felt a pang of protective anger at their ogling.
  9. Emillia stopped walking too and with another pang Brooke saw Emi staring at Arantay just like the group of other girls were.
  10. The sudden, deep pang of loneliness in my gut took me by surprise.