English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cikin ɓacin rai" ita ce yin wani abu cikin kulawa, kulawa, da natsuwa, sau da yawa yana ɗaukar lokaci da ƙoƙari. Yana ba da shawarar sannu a hankali kuma da gangan tsarin aiki, tare da kulawa sosai ga daki-daki da kuma sadaukar da kai don yin kowane fanni na aikin daidai. Ana amfani da kalmar sau da yawa don bayyana ƙoƙarin da ke buƙatar haƙuri, juriya, da sadaukarwa don cimma takamaiman manufa ko sakamako.


  1. fastidiously

Sentence Examples

  1. All his painstakingly gathered resolve fled, screaming into the night.
  2. Certainly not in every foreign trade route they had so painstakingly claimed.
  3. Krakowski had been painstakingly briefed by Mandel earlier that day.
  4. Consent forms, painstakingly detailed descriptions of my work and expected results, signed approvals from my advisor, the Chairman of the Biology department and, before I was done, even the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
  5. Mountain streams would turn into raging rivers and there was always the threat of mudslides cascading down from the mountains, wiping out the tenuous paths so painstakingly carved into them by the few peasants who lived in this valley.
  6. With each painstakingly careful step, the chance of finding a weak spot in the floor always loomed.
  7. He discovered the egg, lost long ago in the depths of the caverns, and painstakingly hatched it using intricate spells recovered from the ruins of the library at Al-Fikri.
  8. My pace remained painstakingly slow now, and the buggers seemed to be getting shrewder.
  9. It illuminated a dense collection of objects that were painstakingly organized on shelves and small tables throughout a comfortably furnished room.
  10. Mark painstakingly scanned the documents that Jason had given him and brought them up on the middle monitor.