English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "padded" ita ce a rufe ko cika da wani abu mai laushi don karewa, matashin kai, ko rufe wani abu ko don bayyana wani abu mafi girma ko girma fiye da yadda yake a zahiri. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin yin tafiya cikin nutsuwa da hankali, ko sanya labari ko magana tsayi ko ƙari ta hanyar ƙara ƙarin bayanai ko bayanan da ba dole ba.


  1. cushioned
  2. cushiony

Sentence Examples

  1. It was also covered in padded blue cushions and stood in the center of the room on a slightly raised platform, surrounded by runnels in the stone floor, all of them leading toward a larger central channel that followed a path to a silver-lined basin nearby.
  2. Both tumbled back into the padded wicker love seat, feet twisting, Kate landing face to face on top of Peter with an oof!
  3. Kate rolled off Peter and slumped next to him on the padded seat.
  4. She could see the back porch, the padded wicker chair.
  5. I have given orders to the night attendant merely to shut him in the padded room, when once he is quiet, until an hour before sunrise.
  6. Feet, in soft slippers, padded across the stone floor directly opposite from me.
  7. It was with very considerable difficulty that they got him back to the house and put him in the padded room.
  8. Three young girls baring midriffs under camisoles giggled as they padded by in their flip-flops, their faces painted up to make them look older.
  9. Neither of them woke when Jack padded out to the throne room wearing only his leather drawstring pants, but no shirt or shoes.
  10. Bright moonlight streamed in through the window, bathing the padded armchairs and the fine, ornate writing desk in soft, silvery light.