English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "pacing" shine aikin saita gudu ko rhythm wanda wani abu ya faru, ci gaba, ko aikatawa. Yana iya komawa ga saurin da wani ke tafiya ko motsi, ko kuma yawan abin da aka yi ko cimmawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ga bugun jini ko lokacin kiɗa ko magana, ko lokaci da jerin abubuwan da suka faru a cikin labari ko labari. A cikin mahallin likita, motsa jiki na iya nufin yin amfani da na'urar wucin gadi don daidaita bugun zuciyar majiyyaci.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was just now manifesting unmistakable signs of impatience, nervously pacing up and down, and unable to stand still for a moment.
  2. For several more minutes the Prime continued pacing, then he stiffened and turned, striding swiftly from the road onto damp dirt and pine needles.
  3. Chief Flim had begun pacing the room, rubbing her chin as she walked.
  4. I recalled the first time I saw Abit, a lanky kid nervously pacing around the front of the store, afraid the new owner would throw out his chair and ban him from his perch near the door.
  5. She was pacing around the store, ringing her hands, picking up cans and putting them down in the wrong place.
  6. He found himself pacing outside the bedchamber of his young King.
  7. The pain from his neck scar pulsed for the remainder of his pacing.
  8. We exited the car and walked toward the Prime, who was pacing the road with measured steps.
  9. Cianne was waiting for him when he arrived home, pacing his common room with nervous agitation.
  10. I was getting stiff, so I stood, stretched, and started pacing.