English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "mallaka" ya wuce lokaci na kalmar aikatau "mallaka," wanda ke nufin mallaka ko mallaka wani abu, yawanci a matsayin dukiya ko abin mallaka. Hakanan yana iya nufin amincewa ko amincewa da wani abu, kamar yadda yake cikin "Na mallaki kurakurai na." Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “mallaka” da baki wajen nufin cewa an sha kaye ko an kunyata wani ta hanya ta musamman ko ta wulakanci, sau da yawa a fagen gasa ko gardama.

Sentence Examples

  1. La Cacharra is owned by the Bandala family, originally from Guinate.
  2. Gradually, though, as they increasingly owned their own cars and could come to town whenever they needed, it became a financial liability.
  3. You know that hotel of his, Princess Yaiza, is owned by a consortium?
  4. They owned a large business, in one of the biggest skyscrapers in the city, shaped like a double helix.
  5. When our washer gave out, Mama made me haul our clothes down there for a couple of weeks, along with every bedspread and rug we owned.
  6. I tried not to think about who must have owned it before me.
  7. The restaurant is owned by an Irish couple from Donegal.
  8. Officially, the upper floors were out of use, and no one ever came to check, since we owned the building.
  9. What right did he have to walk in here like he owned the place?
  10. Kitt, that woman who owned the art store, and Blanche Scoggins, the nasty laundromat woman, were hugging.