English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "naka" na iya bambanta dangane da yadda ake amfani da shi, amma gabaɗaya, yana nufin mallaka ko samun wani abu a matsayin nasa. yarda cewa wani abu na kansa ne, kamar a cikin "Ni na mallaki wannan motar." Hakanan yana iya nufin samun iko ko iko a kan wani abu, kamar yadda yake cikin "Shi ke da kamfani." have my own Apartment" ko "Tana da nata salo na musamman."Gaba ɗaya, ana amfani da "nawa" don nuna mallaka, iko, ko fahimtar ɗabi'a.


  1. ain

Sentence Examples

  1. Nana D had pushed her boundaries ever since my mother pressured her into semi-retirement from running Danby Landing on her own.
  2. She possessed a unique fashion sense, imposing her own spin on each outfit.
  3. I could use those connections to find support and funding for my own true crime show.
  4. Acknowledgments Writing a book is not an achievement an individual person can do on his or her own.
  5. I swear she carried a stun gun just to watch people dance for her own pleasure sometimes.
  6. My mother was too busy and had her own way of showing how much she cared, but Lorraine was like a favorite aunt you could always count on.
  7. Maybe they could get their own show like the Long Island Medium.
  8. Letting that twenty-four-year-old know-it-all learn a lesson on his own was a step in the right direction.
  9. I needed to quit, but I was close to getting my name on the credits for a full season, and this would be the exact bonus to staking a claim to my own show in the future.
  10. Let me wash, rinse, and repeat for those of you who own stock in all the hair gel companies.

TV Series Examples



The Dothraki do things in their own time,



lf you're going to own a sword,



One of our own rangers swore he saw them



all fried in his own fat.



arms an assassin with his own blade?



Benjen Stark's own blood?