English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mafi yawa" yana da "mai girma sosai a cikin adadi, ƙarfi, ko ƙarfi; mai ƙarfi." Ana iya amfani da shi don kwatanta jin wani abu ya rinjaye shi gaba ɗaya ko ya rinjaye shi, kamar motsin rai, bayanai, ko ƙarfin jiki. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu mai ban sha'awa ko rinjaye wanda ba ya barin wata shakka ko tsayin daka.


  1. consuming

Sentence Examples

  1. But none of that had in any way prepared me for dealing with this crushing, overwhelming guilt.
  2. The attraction was strong, overwhelming, and when he asked me to spend my life with him, I swooned.
  3. I tried not to give in to the overwhelming panic climbing up my throat.
  4. He hated hearing her speak about Captain Stowley, and felt an overwhelming desire to wince every time she referred to him by his nickname.
  5. He should have been at work but continuing life after losing contact with his family was overwhelming and the incident at the hospital had frightened him.
  6. Panicked cries filled my thoughts, overwhelming me.
  7. If not for The Bridge formed between Murdock and me, the effect would have been overwhelming.
  8. The overwhelming voices died down a bit, but I still struggled every time we passed a group of cars or a bus.
  9. Overwhelming power, black and raw, grew in my chest giving me a desire to take more lives.
  10. Again, Brooke was struck with the almost overwhelming urge to bring her lips up to meet his own.